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The Importance of PAT Testing

The HSE expects businesses to perform PAT to ensure that they are compliant with the appropriate regulations; insurance companies also expect compliance to validate their policies fully.

Who is responsible for PAT testing? A competent person should be assigned to advise on test frequency and will liaise with the duty holder with reports on equipment and advice on how often they should be tested. Contractors and managers of electrical goods and managers of electric office machines are all regarded as duty holders. A role as a duty holder is to assign the competent person to carry out PAT Testing, the employee's use of equipment should still be monitored by the duty holder and reported to the competent person when coming to carry out PAT.

Why is PAT so important?

According to the HSWA (The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974) an obligation is placed on employers to secure the health, safety, and welfare of persons in the working environment. The act states employers have a duty: "for the provisions and maintenance of plants and systems of work that are, as far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health" It also states "Employers must ensure self-employed or contracted person must be safe when on-premises."

Any employers and organizations which have premises that are open to or accessible to the public must ensure that every person working or using their premises or facilities remains safe. Another reason PAT is important to businesses is that It also ensures that there’s less risk of more substantial damage to electrical equipment, which can involve repair or replacement costs and business downtime.

PAT Testing In Regards of Fire Saftey

Every year around 12% of domestic fires in England alone are caused by electrical appliances, which in terms of the workplace more electrical appliances are used more often and more vigorously, this is why it is important to carry out PAT to make sure all appliances are compliant with safety standards. Making sure these standards are in place reduces the risk of fire occurring due to faulty electronics, and keeping a maintenance record will ensure specific equipment that is more become faulty due to use will be maintained more often.


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