Useful InformationWhy Zone Plans Are ImportantZone plans are important for fire safety because they provide a detailed overview of the building's layout and the location of fire...
Useful InformationIdentifying Faulty Fire Safety EquipmentIdentifying faulty fire safety equipment in the workplace is crucial for ensuring the safety of employees and visitors. Here are some...
Useful InformationImportance of Testing Emergency LightingWhy should you have them? Emergency lighting is a ‘life safety system’ and is required to assist occupants in the safe evacuation of...
Useful InformationFire Safety & FarmingFarming! The heat of summertime can bring issues for farms. Farm fires can be devastating, causing loss of machinery, livestock, stores...
Company UpdatesCelebrating 40 Years In The NICEICDid you know AFAE has been part of the NICEIC (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting) for 40 years? Our...
Case StudiesSafety & The RetreatTan-Y-Garth Hall Tan Y Garth Hall consulted AFAE a few months ago because they had identified they needed a fire alarm system to ensure...
Useful InformationExtinguishers? Why Your Business Needs ThemWhy does your business need fire extinguishers you may ask? Fire extinguishers are a necessity in the workplace, one reason is that every...
Useful InformationThe Importance of PAT TestingThe HSE expects businesses to perform PAT to ensure that they are compliant with the appropriate regulations; insurance companies also...